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This section is here to explain how to access and get the most from the teaching and outlines what happens at your Envoy meet up and how to make the most of your time together.

teaching information

How to access the teaching?

You can access the teaching using this website via a computer (best option), smart phone or tablet device. Click on the relevant week, eg. Week 1 and the teaching resource you need for that week will open. Most weeks are in a podcast format with some videos. Read any introductory material and then simply click play. 

Its advisable to NOT watch or listen just before you attend your Envoy meet up. Try and watch or listen to it at least a day before. 

How to get the most from the teaching?


Before you hit play, pray. Ask God to help you hear Him. Information is only half of what we hope for you in Envoy. We also want a growing awareness of Gods guidance and faith increasing as you step into what He has for you.


Watch or Listen.

Find somewhere you won't be distracted. Get paper and pen so you can take notes. We will never ask or pursue what you agreed or disagreed with or what you liked or disliked - we are not after a debate. The baseline question we use (nicked from the Northumbria community) is, 'How then shall I live?' What do you think God is trying to increase awareness of or for? If something has really grabbed your attention then what options do you have to make it a reality? What stirred you or grabbed your attention?

The Envoy Afterthought.

The podcasts or videos are around 20 minutes each. We have put together a guide to help you collect your thoughts after you listen to a podcast (from week 3 onwards), it takes between 7 and 10 minutes to use and we will explain and guide you through it from week 3 onwards. 

Are you the kind of person who loves as much info as you can get? If yes, then we have created top tips to help you prepare for your first meet up. One is for those who will meet online and one for those meeting face to face. Click on the one most relevant to you.

For now thats probably enough to get you set up for next week 

see you next week!

The quick guide.
Teenager on Laptop



Your Envoy host will send you (by email or text) a zoom link and password in the week prior to meeting. 10 minutes before your first meet-up, click the link and enter the password. 

Download Zoom or Google meet etc. If you already use Zoom etc be sure to update to latest settings.  Have the Envoy hosts number saved in your phone just in case of any hiccups.

Get a notebook or journal for taking notes when you listen to  the podcasts and also during your Envoy meet-up.

Listen to the podcast, the link will be available a week prior to your meet-up. Take notes on what stirs you or catches your attention. 

Find out the day and time for your online call. If we are providing your Envoy host we will let you know times.


Have ear or headphones available. They reduce the 'squealing effect' that can happen because of your computer speaker and microphone causing feedback.

Use the mute option if someone comes into the room to speak to you, when you are eating, also great when you nip to the loo!

On your first call work out what everything on your screen is for.

Use good internet. If it isn't great then shut the camera option and only use audio. it needs less bandwidth. You might need to move to another room for better reception.

Raise/lower you screen or seat so the top of your head is just below the top of your screen as you see yourself. Its better for others to see more than your forehead!

If more than one of you are using the same computer to join the call, be sure to lean towards the centre when you speak. The microphone has been designed to pick up sound from that space

Don't hog the airwaves with the sound of your own voice.


The Gathering and Connect sections here are your guide for week 1 & 2.

Find a quiet spot to make your call and arrive a few minutes early.

As people arrive find out about each others day. 

When everyone arrives someone needs to say, 'lets start'. If you need to leave early, warn us at this point.

When ready, everyone share what their hope for their time on Envoy is.

For the first and second week each person takes their turn to share their faith story. Split up the sharing over both weeks.

Decide at the beginning how long you need both for sharing and response by others. For example 10 minutes to share and 10 for the response. 

keep prayers short!


When its your moment, share your faith story with all its bumps and brilliance.

After you share, invite the others to respond using the guidelines from the first podcast (click on the podcast notes option to see the guidelines).

Write down what others share, they are trying out 'seeing' and 'hearing'. After everyone has reflected, give feedback to them.

Using what you've heard and your hope for Envoy, finish your part with a short prayer.

Next person.

available one week before your first meet-up.

Online guide
Young Dancers


Face to face meet up


Arrange with the others in your group location, day and time for your first meeting.

Get a notebook or journal to use for taking notes from the podcast and also during your Envoy meet up.

Listen to the teaching. Take notes on what stirs you or catches your attention. 

Allow up to 30 minutes for the podcast/video. Allow 10 minutes to take notes after it.

Use your notebook or use your laptop for taking notes during your Envoy meet up.


Not everyone will arrive at the same time so as people arrive find out about their day. 

When everyone arrives someone needs to say, 'lets start'.

To begin, everyone share what their hope for their time on Envoy is.

For the first and second week each person takes their turn to share their faith story. Split up the sharing over both weeks.

Decide at the beginning how long you need both for sharing and response by others. For example 10 minutes to share and 10 for the response. 


When its your moment, share your faith story with all its bumps and brilliance.

After you share, invite the others to respond using the guidelines from the first podcast (click on the podcast notes option to see the guidelines).

Write down what others share, they are trying out 'seeing' and 'hearing'. After everyone has reflected, give feedback to them.

Using what you've heard and your hope for Envoy, finish your part with a short prayer.

Next person.

available one week before your first meet-up.

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