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Deutsch transkript​
Taking notes will help you get the most from the podcast. Brief bullet points are below.
Before your meet up.
Preparing to share your story at your Envoy Community meet up.
If you didn't share your faith story last week then its your turn this week, you can use the following to guide you. Your story might be one big moment but it's just as likely to have grown over a period of time. Your biggest challenge is to keep it to a maximum of 10 minutes!
What was life like prior to any awareness of Jesus?
What was going on in or around you that triggered an awareness of Jesus and how that transitioned into you following Him?
Can you name a time or times when Gods presence impacted you or was very real to you in a way that has caused a deeper relationship with God?
When at your meet up.
How to respond to a story shared in your Envoy Community meet up.
Using the guide you've listened to in this weeks podcast respond to the person who has shared their story.
You can do this in one of two ways.
After a person has shared you can take a minute to internally review with the Holy Spirit what the Spirit sees and what you hear to feed back.
We ask that...
Everyone shares their story.
Everyone responds to each story heard.
Only say what encourages and will strengthen and build up.
We ask this because silence is powerful. Our words therefore can reduce fear and build up the other person. Last week and this are very active in building our little community. This may feel a little scary or risky but please take the risk. Risk is often the place of faith and growth.
Do you need extra notes?
click here for last weeks bullet points which cover practical tips on seeing and hearing. These are not extensive so we encourage you to take note as you listen. You can always print the bullet points and write your notes alongside them.
At the end of the podcast you heard Stephen share a story where a person put the seeing hearing and valuing into practice at her place of work.
This week put this into practice with the people who pass you by, serve you in a shop, study or work with you. Your act of valuing may be as brief as asking someone their name. It might be as challenging as the example you heard in the podcast.
Don't do this just once, make it your culture this week. The guiding principle is to do this WITH the Holy Spirit, your partner and co worker. This means valuing will be different each time with each person, after all the Holy Spirit knows what is a good fit for the one in front of you.